Grape flavoring in cigars is nothing new, but for years its been limited to machine made drugstore retailer type cigars. With the demand for flavored cigars on the rise, several manufacturers have started using grape flavoring in their premium cigars. Most have the Concord grape flavor which is the most common “grape” used for flavoring gum and candies. Grape cigars tend to be very aromatic and sweet.
Here is a list of the cigars which contain grape in their flavoring.
Heavenly Grape Cigars Heavenly takes grape to a whole new level. Not only does this cigar taste like a real concord grape it smells like one when smoked!
Primetime Grape Cigars Miniature flavored cigars packaged in packs of 10 cigars. Each carton contains 10 packs of 10 for a total of 100 mini flavored cigars. Medium bodied smoke with lots of flavor. Aromatic and sweet!